Sunday, 2 November 2008

money saving advice.

One site that i have found very valuable is Money saving expert . Its a forum thats free to join and has 1000's of members . There is no limit to the advice you can get there and all for free . You can get advice from morgages ,debt , credit cards etc.......... I have been on there almost on a daily basis and you can make a post for advice and you can get no end of help . I have also found out who the scammers are by looking them up on this site . If your not sure of something like a dodgy site or you think something is a scam then type it in in their search bar and if its been disscussed on there then it will bring up all the discussions realting to it . I have saved myself alot of hassle checking there first and it costs nothing so check it out , it could stop you being scammed and being ripped off by scamming company .
The address is

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